By Voortrekker help ons mekaar op as een struikel of val.
Op ons sportvelde kweek ons wenners. Kry ons drome vlerke en geniet ons elke oomblik. ‘n Helpende hand, ‘n optel as jy val, ‘n niks-teveel-moeite atmosfeer. G’n wonder ons skool spog met die meeste Vrystaat-atlete wat ryk na die groen en goud nie.
‘n Aflosspan wat die rekord breek op Vrystaat-interhoër. ‘n T20-krieketspan wat onder die top spanne eindig in die Vrystaat! ‘n Eerste klas kolfblad, oefenhokke en ‘n spankamer om op trots te wees. Hier slaan ons sesse vir sukses!
Maar rugby is ‘n kultuur van sy eie by Bethlehem Voortrekker. Dirkie is ons eerstespan se gelukbringer; sy verjaardag word jaarliks gevier. Hierdie meneer is, glo dit of nie, reeds 68 jaar oud. ‘n Swart trui-tradisie ‘n wens vir menige jong seuns. Dit word ook nou al vir langer as ‘n halwe eeu gedra.
Bethlehem Voortrekker is een van die beste rugbyskole in die Griffonstreek. Puik afrigting en kondisionering is die wenresep vir ons sukses. Verskeie provinsiale en nasionale spelers kom uit ons skool.
At Voortrekker, we help each other up when one stumbles or falls. On our sports fields, we cultivate winners. We give our dreams wings and cherish every moment. A helping hand, a lift when you fall, an atmosphere of no task too great. No wonder our school boasts the most Free State athletes striving for the green and gold.
A relay team that breaks records at Free State inter-high. A T20 cricket team that finishes among the top teams in the Free State! A first-class cricket pitch, practice nets, and a team room to be proud of. Here, we hit sixes for success!
But rugby has a culture of its own at Bethlehem Voortrekker. Dirkie is the lucky charm of our first team; his birthday is celebrated annually. Believe it or not, this gentleman is already 68 years old. A black jersey tradition, a desire for many young boys. It has been worn for more than half a century now.
Bethlehem Voortrekker is one of the best rugby schools in the Griffon region. Excellent coaching and conditioning are the winning recipe for our success. Several provincial and national players come from our school.